Unit for my entertainment

Unit for my entertainment

Idly window shopping one weekend, me and my significant other noticed some furniture that we really liked the aesthetic of. Our existing budget-friendly, Ikea LACK, furniture had long served it’s purpose of tying us over until something more permanent could be found. Enter the industrious, angular, walnut and black steel living room set. Totally modern, minimalist, and pleasant. But also totally overpriced and poorly constructed. I could do that.

The TV Stand as viewed from the front with a TV, a Sky box and a nice plant

TV Stand

The furniture we took fancy of was a set of three, a TV stand, coffee table, and side table. I initially followed this by designing a stand inspired by the said furniture but sketched from the ground up.

To keep the costs down, I intended to use black-stained CLS to form the ‘ladder’ structure. This allowed for some softer edges, by filleting the angle where the two legs meet.

Four baltic birch plywood shelves support a collection of set top boxes, width for a 50" TV, and a shelf with shorter depth for a picture and a plant. The shorter shelf also acts to support the structure.

The TV Stand with addition on some shelves and cabinets


Being satified with the business end of the unit, the TV, I looked to include a bookcase-type end. Easy enough. Add some extra legs, some more shelves, and some cabinet to hide all manner of sins. Because of the vertical angle, it seemed natural for the cabinets to open vertically, fixed with locking hinges to allow them to be left open.

The full entertainment unit viewed from the front

The end result

I never built it. Although I was pleased with the outcome, we ultimately found a living room furniture set which was of a similar appearence and reasonable price. The experience of designing (and the idea of building) my own furniture was exciting, home decor isn’t something I’d ever paid that much attention to but the silent satisfaction of clean design, especially when crafted at home, adds something.

The entertainment unit